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  • Writer's pictureMaré-Lee van den Heever

10 Office Organising Tips

They say one way to de-clutter your mind is by cleaning your desk. And its true. It is super frustrating trying to work and you cannot find what you looking for or you don't have space or your desk.

Photo by Rob Bye on Unsplash

Here is 15 office organising tips that will help you regain focus and creativity.

1. Embrace the "junk drawer"

We all have one, I even have one in the kitchen that I'm constantly trying to clean. You know that drawer... "When you clean you think " I'll just chuck it in here and deal with it later" Today is later. Clean it out and give your drawer a purpose.

2. Filing

Make sure your filing system works and stays up to date. Most of the papers on your desk belongs in a file or in the bin.

3. Desk Organiser

You should get one. An easy way to keep all your pins, pens, clips and probably a lip balm in one place.

4. Every Item has a Place

Every single item in your office should have its own space even the blanket that goes over your legs during winter. This is probably the best way to keep your office neat and tidy.

5. Before you Leave

Before you leave your office for the day, clean up your desk, put everything back in your desk organiser, and the documents you are working with in a neat pile next to your laptop.

6. Excessive Stationary

In most cases when helping my clients or my previous employers to organise, there is always an excessive amount of stationary lying around. Dedicate one cupboard (or space if you have a smaller company) to your stationary.

7. Chuck It

Trow away that old HP printer that you have not been using for 6 years. No reason to keep it you cant even sell it.

8. 1 Year Rule

If you have not used something in 1 year, get rid of it. Sell, Donate or Throw Away.

9. Create a System

Use a file to keep all your current projects in one place.

10. Snacks

Yes, snacks. If you haven't eaten it in 30 min you wont. Put it away. If you are done put your lunch tin away and get rid of the coffee cup.

There it is my 10 tips to a cleaner office.

If its really out of control contact me and lets get this done. I'm taking in new clients for office organisation form 03 January 2019.

If you are looking for tools you can use, have a look at my page "Tool You Can Use"

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Maré-Lee van den Heever

Virtual Assistant to Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Educators


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